WASCID is a heuristic (and yes, a mnemonic) that helps me identifying regression content when doing an impact analysis of a new user story. Or in other words: What the hell could possibly be broken when we do this?

WASCID stands for

  • Workflow
  • Audience
  • Scenario
  • Code
  • Interface
  • Data

Every of these aspects is looked at on its own at first, although there may be overlapping areas of course.

The following questions help me in getting an overview.



  • Which workflow or user processes are affected?
  • In what way do these have to be altered?
  • Do other workflows still work?


  • Which users are affected?
  • What changes for these users?
  • Which roles and user rights might be changed?


  • Which user scenarios are affected?
  • Are any acceptance criteria involved?
  • Do we have tests in place for affected scenarios?


  • Is existing code changed?
  • Where is the existing code used as well? Where does it show on the UI?
  • What about unit tests?


  • Are any interfaces or web services affected?
  • In what way are these affected?
  • Are there changes to the GUI?


  • Are there changes to the data model?
  • Is there data that needs to be migrated?
  • Are there new data types?


In the past I used to answer those questions more or less to myself, but more recently I have been trying to visualize my findings a bit more. In order to do so, I added a Fibonacci number between 1 and 13 to each aspect, which are supposed to represent complexity or extensiveness of each aspect, not any unit of time. These can easily be shown in a radar chart (I like that term a lot more than the literal German translation – spider chart) like this:

The WAS part deals more with the content part, while the CID part deals more the technical side. So a bigger filled area indicates that there should be more time spend in that area. And if everything is covered, well, that’s usually a sign that a story should be further broken down into smaller parts. Of course there might be other aspects that need to be considered, but usually WASCID is a nice starting point when thinking about the impact that a user story might have.