Posts Tagged ‘learning’

How to use TestSphere for retrospectives

Being a testmanager and a scrum master, I was thinking about how to use the TestSphere deck not just for testing themed activities but for regular team or sprint retrospectives as well. My retrospectives usually go along the pretty popular five stage model: 1. Set the stage 2. Gather data 3. Generate insight 4. Decide… Continue Reading →

How to use TestSphere for Lean Lunch

If you came to know how TestSphere can help you lose weight, sorry, but I haven’t figured that out yet. This short blog post is about how we used TestSphere to facilitate a Lean Lunch session for the MACH testing community of practice. Lean lunch meets @TestSphere at @MACH_AG #TheOtherLean #lunchbreak — Christian Kram… Continue Reading →

Information sources for testers

One of the sessions at the testing barcamp in Hamburg was about information sources for testers. This post is a quick follow-up to provide links to all the sources mentioned in the session. It is by no means a complete list of all the awesome sources out there, just the list of sources mentioned in… Continue Reading →

Playing the TestSphere game

Yesterday I attended the #STUGHH test meetup in Hamburg and the topic was “Games of Quality”. And of course I had to bring my TestSphere deck (which I was lucky enough to have been presented by the creator at TestBash. Thanks, Beren!) as I was rather curious to finally test the TestSphere game (lame pun… Continue Reading →

TestBash Manchester

Back in the 1990s I was part of the PC demo scene. If you haven’t heard about that, well,  you missed out on something. It’s about people creating real time animation, often within file size limits of e.g. 64kb. At so called demo parties people come together to meet other like minded people and generally have… Continue Reading →

30 days of testing

The guys over at the Ministry of Testing proposed a 30 days of testing challenge for july. If you are somewhat interested in testing and out on twitter you will probably have stumbled upon the #30daysoftesting hashtag. If not, well you missed out on something! In a nutshell: The challenge was to perform a certain… Continue Reading →

Changing my reading habits

Let’s face it, testing is all about knowledge. Acquiring knowledge, having knowledge, providing knowledge, sharing knowledge. I will exclude specific domain knowledge for this blog post, not neglecting it being of utmost value. This post is about testing knowledge and its acquisition. For me an important part of acquiring knowledge is reading blogs. There are… Continue Reading →

Team bonding

One of my first posts was about teams and why they can be successful. To sum it up, there are five factors: A common goal rules role awareness dependency on each other for reaching goals awareness of this dependency What I want to elaborate today is how you can make a team bond more quickly… Continue Reading →

comparison of foundation courses

Having completed both the BBST and ISTQB foundation levels, I feel like giving a comparison of both courses and certificates. This is not going to be one of the ISTQB bashing posts, but I rather want to point out strengths and weaknesses of both courses in case you are undecided which one to take. I… Continue Reading →

introduction to whole-part-whole teaching

In the post I will give a short introduction to a teaching/learning method called whole-part-whole and how this is paralleled in agile software development. I was first introduced to the whole-part-whole method in a basketball coach certification course (yes, there are certifications outside of IT…). The guiding question was how complex content like game plays… Continue Reading →