Posts Tagged ‘real life experience’

I am not a clicking monkey

There are things from time to time that make me take a stance for testing. Not necessarily at work, as I am blessed to work at a place where testing is valued. But when talking to people who are more into development or management, I sometimes encounter opinions I strongly oppose. And just to let… Continue Reading →

Get out of your comfort zone!

I was sidelined with lumbago recently and it was probably my own fault as I didn’t really work out a lot. While I was lying in bed, staring at the walls, one of my thoughts was that I needed to get out of my physical comfort zone. And then I ran (well, not literally…) across… Continue Reading →

Runnin’ the show

Some will have noticed that I tweeted some Dick DeVenzio quotes during the last days:   “What is said and what is meant and what is understood can be three very different things.” Dick DeVenzio — Christian Kram (@chr_kram) 19. Januar 2015 “If you are doing all things yourself or not getting them done at… Continue Reading →

Why target audience matters

This is a story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down. No,  not really.  It is a story to remind you for whom you develop software,  the so called user. This summer I had to get a new passport as my old one would expire while being abroad. So I ordered one… Continue Reading →