Posts Tagged ‘success’

Sharing the duty

As a basketball coach I would face teams from time to time that had a premium scorer. Given the rules today, even a premium defender would not be able to check that scorer in a 1:1 situation. Even if he could, chances are high that he needs a break from time to time. The key was… Continue Reading →


In this short post I will describe two methods of autosuggestion that I used successfully when coaching basketball. It’s a post I have been contemplating for a while now, wondering if it had any value in the field of software testing, but while hearing Kim Knup‘s great talk on positivity at TestBash, I couldn’t help… Continue Reading →


I stumbled across this on twitter today:   A team is not a group of people that work together. A team is a group of people that trust each other. — Simon Sinek (@simonsinek) 17. November 2014 While I agree, I think there is more to it. I have been a basketball coach for almost… Continue Reading →