Posts Tagged ‘TestSphere’

How to use TestSphere for retrospectives

Being a testmanager and a scrum master, I was thinking about how to use the TestSphere deck not just for testing themed activities but for regular team or sprint retrospectives as well. My retrospectives usually go along the pretty popular five stage model: 1. Set the stage 2. Gather data 3. Generate insight 4. Decide… Continue Reading →

How to use TestSphere for Lean Lunch

If you came to know how TestSphere can help you lose weight, sorry, but I haven’t figured that out yet. This short blog post is about how we used TestSphere to facilitate a Lean Lunch session for the MACH testing community of practice. Lean lunch meets @TestSphere at @MACH_AG #TheOtherLean #lunchbreak — Christian Kram… Continue Reading →

Playing the TestSphere game

Yesterday I attended the #STUGHH test meetup in Hamburg and the topic was “Games of Quality”. And of course I had to bring my TestSphere deck (which I was lucky enough to have been presented by the creator at TestBash. Thanks, Beren!) as I was rather curious to finally test the TestSphere game (lame pun… Continue Reading →