BBST foundations in figures

I attended the BBST foundations course recently, which means this in figures:

1.000.000: number of new ideas that popped up

458: unread blogposts on my rss feed

81: hours spent on the course overall

27: days of learning

20: students

18: students that really participated

11: number of colleagues I recommended the course to (which is the whole team actually)

6: new ideas for blog posts

5: quizzes I took for the course

4: teachers, which actually makes for a very good teacher/student ratio

3,50: € my bank charged me for foreign transactions during enrolling for the course

π: moments of frustration

2: number of great conferences that took places during the course that I wouldn’t have visited anyway, but was too busy think about (ESC, ATD)

1: number of great conferences I attended during the time of the course (Agile by nature) that I didn’t find time to blog about

1: job interviews I had during the course

1: new job contracts I signed