Posts Tagged ‘scrum’

How to use TestSphere for retrospectives

Being a testmanager and a scrum master, I was thinking about how to use the TestSphere deck not just for testing themed activities but for regular team or sprint retrospectives as well. My retrospectives usually go along the pretty popular five stage model: 1. Set the stage 2. Gather data 3. Generate insight 4. Decide… Continue Reading →

My favorite podcasts

I started to listen to podcasts a lot more recently. Mostly while taking a walk during my lunch break or while working out in the gym. Podcast have not supplanted blogs as my main source of information, but have taken a prominent role and become a welcome addition.  I would even go as far as… Continue Reading →

Communication channels

I attended a meeting of the Software Test User Group Hamburg last week, which was an open discussion on how testing and the role of testers have changed in agile contexts. I won’t go into detail here on the “Quo vadis, QA?” part, but there was a statement during the discussion that I would like… Continue Reading →

introduction to whole-part-whole teaching

In the post I will give a short introduction to a teaching/learning method called whole-part-whole and how this is paralleled in agile software development. I was first introduced to the whole-part-whole method in a basketball coach certification course (yes, there are certifications outside of IT…). The guiding question was how complex content like game plays… Continue Reading →

Communication in Software Testing: Scrum

Introduction This post is the third and last in a three part series about communication and natural language in the context of software testing and software development in general. This will be done taking the register approach the way Douglas Biber and Susan Conrad proposed it into account. I will not conduct a full-fledged register… Continue Reading →